Chuck: Jimmy, you do realize you just confessed to a felony?
Jimmy: I guess. But you feel better, right? Besides, it's your word against mine.

Say nothing, you understand? Get a lawyer-get a lawyer!


You went a long way to not pull that trigger. Why?

Nacho [to Mike]

Perspective? You want perspective, I'll give you mine. You're my brother, and I love you. But you're like an alcoholic who refuses to admit he's got a problem.

Chuck [to Jimmy]

Jimmy: You are such an asshole.
Chuck: Why? For pointing out that her one mistake was believing in you?

Chuck: You're still here.
Jimmy: Yeah, I'm still here.

So what'd I miss? Anything blow up yet?


Seriously? You sound like every dumb criminal out there. If you keep this up, they will find out. For what, Jimmy? What is the point?


Jimmy: What are you doing here?
Chuck: My name is on the building.

You think I'd be caught dead driving that thing? Looks like a school bus for 6 year old pimps.


There's no reward at the end of this game.


Kim: So this is what a midlife crisis looks like?
Jimmy: Not midlife crisis. Clarity. Midlife clarity.

Better Call Saul Quotes

You know, Jimmy, sometimes in our line of work, you can get so caught up in the idea of winning that you forget to listen to your heart.


Lawyers, we're like health insurance. You hope you never need it, but man oh man, when you do...
