Eleanor: Pa's lucky streak may have ended, not mine. I had been given a second chance and a new story to tell. B and B this is how I really became your ma, the woman you know as...
Covey: Eleanor.

  • Permalink: Eleanor.
  • Added:

Here's to the past. May it not blow up our present.


Oh, I see. Mom was messy, and so are you, and that gives you comfort.


Benny: You are a great listener.
Charles: I'm a lawyer. It's my job.
Benny: Is that all this is to you? A job?

Black Cake Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Eleanor: Pa's lucky streak may have ended, not mine. I had been given a second chance and a new story to tell. B and B this is how I really became your ma, the woman you know as...
Covey: Eleanor.

  • Permalink: Eleanor.
  • Added:

Here's to the past. May it not blow up our present.
