My Dad's too proud to sit around and wait for the ax to fall.


I'd give my right arm to stick my left foot in your mouth, Pal.


Only a fool seeks peace by inciting violence.


You've got a badge in your pocket and a gun in your holster you damn sure better not have a drink in your hand.


Frank: She had a very convincing closing argument.
Erin: It must run in the family.

First murder of the week and in broad daylight. I love this city.


Danny: You've got nothing to feel guilty about.
Frank: What makes you think I feel guilty?
Danny: Because you've got a hero from Ziggy's in that bag with my name on it.

Danny: If the guy wants any kind of privacy he's got to move around like a wanted man.
Erin: Well he is wanted. I want him. Linda wants him. Everybody I I know.

I know I'm not spring chicken but I'm pretty sure I'm not dead.


Erin: This is like a movie set.
Jackie: Like Gidget goes to hell.

Apparently she was still just a bank teller and not a bank robber.


Jamie: How you feeling, Sarge?
Renzulli: Like I fell down a flight of stairs on my noggin.