What my men and women do in private is their own business.


Believe it or not there are actually a few nice people in this city.


Fourteen we were friends. Fifteen we were soulmate, by sixteen she was knocked up by a mob guy.


Is there an or else here? Is excommunication on the table?


Frank: I kind of went off road at the press conference.
Garrett: You kind of drove into a ditch.

Anyone who steps into a fight involving two mooks with baseball bats can't be a cissy in my book.


This is a city of immigrants. You and me included. Always remember that.


Baez: You're annoying. You know that?
Danny: I've been told.

I might have told the guy to get your hands against the wall or I'll throw you out the window.


Frank: He is a man of the cloth, like you.
Cardinal: Albeit a sharkskin suit kind of cloth from what I know.

Cardinal: May I quote Scripture?
Frank: Not unless you want to put me to sleep.

No shortage of knuckleheads in the world.
