It's Homeland Security. They're not very big on sharing the particulars.


Garrett: So remind me what's the advantage to having your dad be P.C.
Frank: I build character.

Director Mason: Collateral damage.
Frank: Don't give me that. That's just your spin for bad planning.

Sometimes it helps. Sometimes it just puts a target on your back.


I was going to come see you at the hospital but I knew you had your family there and they always carry loaded weapons.


If she looked like a line-backer, you'd think she's nuts, too.


Of course if we were face to face I'd have to climb up on that desk but this will do.


I liked you better as my ninja assassin than my guilty conscience.

District Attorney

You think you're so smart. 100 hours on the job and you think you've got it all figured out.


If you say win-win I'll never return another call.


There is a difference between truth and fact.


Frank: I think you're stuck with the role of bad cop.
Erin: Which is ironic since I'm the only one in the family who isn't.