Danny: What exactly do you do all day?
Sloane: Exactly what it looks like I do. I sit here and check and recheck forms all day.

The foster mother's DNA on the foster child? That's solid evidence?


You guys all belong to fraternal organizations, so why can't I? Is it because I'm a woman?


Eddie: In a perfect world, all three of those cops could run up a flight of stairs.
Frank: And when you find a perfect world, please send me the address.

Not like I always wanted a son, but one came knocking and I answered the door.


DA: Consider it done.
Anthony: But it's not done. You running a railroad here, cause that's what I'm hearing.
DA: You wanna talk yourself out of a job?

Jamie: You're about to become the daughter-in-law of the PC and the former PC. You're just going to have to accept that some people are going to try to use you.
Eddie: For what? To win a softball game?

Frank: Since when do you have a problem setting the record straight?
Garett: Since the woman in the question is going to be your sister.
Frank: Excuse me?
Sid: It's Eddie Janko's mother.

I got a lawyer who makes more in a day than you do in a year, so I don't have to tell you anything.


Anthony: You both need to change the playbook.
Erin: What does that mean?
Anthony: You always dig your heels in and won't listen to anyone and think you're always right. And you. I know why this case got under your skin but you can't come in here guns blazing and with no respect for the DA's office or the position Erin's in. Neither of you listens to the others. So what the two of you need to do is talk it out and you'll see that you're both wrong.

Lena: I don't want to shame her anymore.
Frank: Fighting back isn't shaming anyone.
Lena: You would think that. You're a Reagan! You don't know what it's like to have to compete with your family.
Frank: Maybe the mistake is thinking you have to.

That's how it works? If we can't put away a guy who tells me to my face that he killed someone then it doesn't work it all.
