I would like you to put on an NYPD uniform, and 20 lbs. of equipment, and a gun belt, and run up six flights of stairs to save a woman who is being beaten by her boyfriend, and then, I would like you to be raked over the coals for your effort. And then, when you have that frame of reference, maybe we can talk.


You don't regret the great relationships that failed, you regret the ones you never followed through on.


One of them thought you were cute. I guess that's what happens when it's 3am and you're drunk.


Part of what we love most about the job is that there's always a fresh pain in the ass around the corner.


Eddie: I'm just saying it's kind of boring.
Jamie: Baseball is boring. Seriously?
Eddie: Yeah, the games are like nine hours long. Nothing actually happens.
Jamie: Baseball is a metaphor for life.
Eddie: Yeah, and I'm not going to spend my lunch watching a bunch of grown men in pajamas…

Kelly: It gets resolved the way most disputes do. Nobody gets everything they want.
Frank: Perps do. It's free money.
Kelly: It's nickels on the dollar.
Frank: They're still free nickels.

At the academy we learned that good decisions sometimes have bad results, and it comes with the uniform. We stand by the decision that we made.


Gee, I must have missed the part that was underlined, italicized, and highlighted.


Erin: Why thank you, I left my English to Brooklyn dictionary at home.
Anthony: Wow, you’re just a boatload of one liners today.

Sometimes it takes a bad guy to catch a bad guy.


Well, if it isn't my favorite defective.

Victor Lugo

Erin: It's okay if you don;t like Jack. A lot of people don't, including my entire family and, for the better part of the last eight years, me. So, if you don't like him, just say you don't like him.
Anthony: Okay, I don't like him.