"By general law, life and limb must be protected, yet often a limb must be amputated to save a life, but a life is never wisely given to save a limb," Abraham Lincoln. This department is the life, Officer Whitman is a limb.


Sid: She went by the book, and we're trained that book's the bible.
Garrett: And like the bible, the wrong translation can cause more harm than good.

The one thing I've learned is that life is beautiful, and it's sad but sometimes it's just practical. Money counts.


Somehow, where the job used to seem noble, as a single parent now, it just kind of seems selfish.


You do realize I used to be in a two income household, now it's only one, and I used to have a partner and now I'm the only parent. I've gotta still raise these two boys.


Chavez: Prison is the only thing that can save Jo-Jo. But Theresa, she’s a good kid.
Danny: She’s a good kid who could have got you killed. Don’t you think she should pay for that?
Chavez: I’m a teacher, Detective. Retribution is your department, not mine.

Principal: This is my fault.
Danny: It’s not your fault.
Principal: It is my responsibility to keep my staff safe.
Danny: There was nothing you could have done!
Principal: Then why am I here?

Danny: I don’t envy you, dealing with that crew every day.
Teacher: They grow on you.
Danny: Yeah, like a tumor. You think any of them are gonna come forward?
Teacher: I’d be very surprised. They don’t trust cops.
Danny: We got that.
Teacher: To be fair, the only time you guys show up is when someone gets shot or someone gets stabbed.
Danny: Not for nothing, but that’s kind of the job description.
Teacher: It’s not an accusation, Detective. It’s reality.

We all want to protect our people, Frank. But in the natural order of things, mine come first. Remember that.


If this is gang business, ain’t no one gonna get all up in the middle of it. So get me out of here or charge me.


I requested metal detectors and updated security cameras 14 months ago. It would be nice if we got them before someone gets killed.


Danny: Weren’t we called to this school a couple months back?
Baez: A kid shot another kid in the cafeteria.
Danny: That’ll make you lose your appetite.