It is the law and because it is the law we are damn sure going to see that it is carried out.


I can think of no other profession where you're told to bench your talents and then you're penalized if you don't.


What kind of PC orders his people to break the law?


Mickey: How'd you get the shiner, Reagan? Step out of line with Linda?
Danny: Yeah, left my socks on the floor again.

Danny: It's not like I was an angel. I mean every time Mickey got in trouble I was right there with him.
Erin: Yeah, which is why Dad never liked you hanging around him and always kept you on a short leash.

This is a city of immigrants. You and me included. Always remember that.


No shortage of knuckleheads in the world.


Garrett: They just wanted you to attend their awards dinner next week.
Frank: Dreams die hard.

Garrett: With all due respect, you're being incredibly unreasonable.
Frank: It's part of my gruff charm.

Garrett: Dog bites boy. Reagan checks in on dog. What's wrong with this picture?
Frank: Oh.

I'm thankful for all the ordinary citizens who have come up to me on the beat over the past year and thanked me for my service All two of them. Also bullet proof vests.


He's my brother and I'm the only one who gets to kill him.


Blue Bloods Season 4 Quotes

We decline to charge suspects every day. Many of them are guilty but you still need evidence.


Jamie: I thought I was just another cop.
Frank: You are. You're also a lawyer and you'll understand the why of this more than most.