Baez: Everything okay?
Danny: Nothing is.

Garrett: Most north eastern liberal arts institutions are not known for respect or appreciation for agencies of law enforcement.
Frank: Preaching to the choir is for showboats and sissies.

I'll be discreet, I promise. I left my bullhorn and machine gun in the car.


They're still fighting over this ridiculous non-issue, as lawyers do.


Garrett: You got through that whole conversation without dropping a single curse word. How the hell do you do that?
Frank: I was partially raised by nuns.

Reverend Potter: I've been waiting a long time for this. Frank Reagan coming to me hat in hand.
Frank: I don't wear hats.

We both know that you can't do real time. Once exposed you are going to be the busiest punk in the state system, servicing everyone.


Eddie: How did it go?
Jamie: It wasn't the Spanish Inquisition but not for lack of trying.

Eight hour tours with all the other broken toys watching video monitors at housing projects. What's that about?


You're good people and good people try to move on from a betrayal like it's an exception not the rule.


Good things cops do rarely make the news.


Yeah, we're off duty right now. Like Clark Kent before he ducks into the phone booth.


Blue Bloods Season 6 Quotes

Baez: Why don't people get killed in high end spas or nice handbag stores:
Danny: What fun would that be?

This is the hard part, Sid. The time between doing everything we can think of and finding out if it worked.
