Erin: Mandatory retirement is hardly the same as execution.
Frank: It is to some guys. It is to Travis Jackson. It would be to me.

It is what it is. You might as well go out with a bang and an open bar, right?


Garrett: I made my mea culpa like you would have.
Frank: How so?
Garrett: Like I was scraping out my eyes with a rusty fork, so thanks for the years of leading by example.

Danny: The confession's the easy part. The part I can't figure out is why that always try to run.
Jamie: It's that ugly mug of yours.

You're under arrest for being a complete idiot.


I'm getting enough heat as it is, I don't need you piling on.


Yours isn't the only opinion in this world, Erin. The hospitals make these judgement calls for a reason and we back them up, for a reason.


Danny: You know, all I heard during the Ranger game was, 'Why won't you help your younger brother, Danny?'
Jamie: Well, she wouldn't interrupt a Ranger's game without a good reason.

What am I, like your personal detective or something?


Frank: How's the arm, Rodney?
Rodney: I still can't straighten it all the way and it still hurts when it's about to rain.
Frank: Well it was good of you to come.
Rodney: I didn't do it for you. I did it for me, to show I'm not the man I used to be.
Frank: Well you did the right thing. Will you accept my thanks?
Rodney: Just be careful of the elbow.

LInda: He has four broken ribs, a collapsed lung, a concussion.
Danny: CAT scan came back okay, I saw. That's good news.
Linda: Did you know?
Danny: Did I know what?
Linda: Don't play with me. Did you know this was gonna happen?
Danny: I'm a cop.
Linda: You picked him up at that motel.
Danny: I told you, there's always gonna be stuff I can't tell you.
Linda: This time I gotta know.
Danny: The important thing is your family's safe and your brother's gonna live.

Danny: First and foremost, you gotta stay away from my house.
Thug: This was never about you and your wife and kids. But if I were Jimmy I wouldn't buy tickets to the ballet next season, unless it's the Nutcracker. Ha ha! Sorry, I gotta be me.

Blue Bloods Season 7 Quotes

Henry: Do you usually get just what you're asking for? Do any of us?
Frank: Less and less.

Eddie: Other than your parents, who is the most influential person in your life and why?
Jamie: Joe, because he encouraged me to go for what I really want, instead of what other people wanted for me. I think he recognized that I spend a lot of time trying to make other people happy.
Eddie: Not in this partnership.