Woman: You are a schoolgirl. Do you have a husband? Do you have children to take care of?
Nicky: No but...
Woman: If I lose my husband, who pays the rent? Who puts food on the table?
(Husband comes home)
Woman: They just showed up here.
Husband: Ssh. I think we have a misunderstanding here.

Danny: Party's over.
Jack: Hey Dad.
Danny: Don't hey dad me!
Linda: Do my boys look 21?
Danny: We leave for two hours and you're already teaching my boys to gamble.

Eddie: Are you all right?
Woman: I'm just clumsy. I fell in the shower.
Eddie: You got this bruise falling in the shower?
Man: Where are you going? I told you I wasn't done talking - Oh hello officers, is there a problem here?
Eddie: We're just checking that everything's all right.
Man: Oh, I'm sorry. My kids...
Nicky: If it's just your kids, why are you holding a broken necklace in your hand?
Jamie: We got this, all right?
Man: I was fixing it. This is against the law?

Jimmy: You're looking good. How come you keep getting younger and I keep getting older?
Linda: Oh stop.
Jimmy: What happened to the two little brats?
Linda: They grew up.
Jimmy: I'll tell you stories of what they were like when they were younger. Your father was hell on wheels and your mother was no angel either.

You would've thought we wouldn't allow racist police officers on the street that can't tell the difference between a platinum selling recording artist and a street thug.


Jamie: I'm excited every single shift. How many people can say that?
Frank: A lucky few.

You huff and puff all over the place and I wave my finger around and preach about the proper procedure in the criminal justice system. That's what we do. That's our thing.


Your flattery humbles me, your Grace.


There are bosses on this job, who are very interested in Jamie, and who wouldn’t be? They want to tap him for special assignments, even promotions, but they're afraid in doing so they will ruffle your feathers.


I feel like if it was my wife and kid that was killed by Bukowsky then it'd definitely be me under that umbrella.


Manager: Nobody here would bother to waste a word on the guy, let alone a bullet.
Baez: It was a knife.
Manager: Whatever.

Bad guys killing bad guys is not the first thing in the world. The problem is, so many bad guys have the worst aim in the world, which is bad for civilians.


Blue Bloods Season 7 Quotes

Henry: Do you usually get just what you're asking for? Do any of us?
Frank: Less and less.

Eddie: Other than your parents, who is the most influential person in your life and why?
Jamie: Joe, because he encouraged me to go for what I really want, instead of what other people wanted for me. I think he recognized that I spend a lot of time trying to make other people happy.
Eddie: Not in this partnership.