Eddie: You're Milky, isn't it?
Chalky: Chalky.

One more question. Is it true Rosetti was wearing a dog collar?


It's the twentieth century sweetie. You wanna make a buck? Have em start showin a little skin.


What's all this bullsh-t about alcohol? A mans willing to lay his life down for his country, you best let that man have a goddamn drink!


Miss Randolph I sympathize with your desire to bring purpose to your life, however, this courtroom is not the place to do it.


Nucky: You'll make a fine politician someday.
Teddy: A girl can't be a polician.
Nucky: Doesn't England have queens?

Tell me this kid, who the hell are you and why are you at my table?


Of all the days on the calendar, this one takes the cake. He dies, comes back to life, disappears for two thousand years, but don't worry! He'll turn up again. Ha. Suckers.


What are we, cats in an alley?


Come here. Make sure you aim that pistol straight into the bowl, ya got me?


Why does it always need to be such a melodrama with you?


Nucky: First rule of politics, kiddo: never let the truth get in the way of a good story.

Boardwalk Empire Quotes

Purity, sobriety, and the white Christian's Jesus.

KKK Member

Nucky: First rule of politics, kiddo: never let the truth get in the way of a good story.