Richard, my son is dead and nothing will ever bring him back.


Jimmy deserved better than this.


Eddie: I don't quite know how to say this.
Nucky: Just start yammering like always.

Eddie: I'm terribly sorry for your loss.
Nucky: Don't be an idiot.

Sooner or later everyone steps through your door.


Nucky: You exist in this town because I allow you to. All in all I'd say that's-
Gillian: Very generous of you.
Nucky: You'd be wise to say that like you mean it.

My name is Enoch Thompson, you may have heard of me...or not.


That's what democracy gets you, bandits fighting over a cut of the loot.


It's the little things that eat at me.


People just want something new.


You use him to scare away the mice?


Nucky: First rule of politics, kiddo: never let the truth get in the way of a good story.

Boardwalk Empire Quotes

Purity, sobriety, and the white Christian's Jesus.

KKK Member

Nucky: First rule of politics, kiddo: never let the truth get in the way of a good story.