It was me. The "no" vote was me.


Things can change in the blink of an eye.


Nora: You were so calm, explaining everything to everyone. I forgot how good you are in a crisis.
Justin: Mom, you forgot because I'm the one usually causing the crisis.

Nora: Are you spying on him again?
Sarah: Well, googling is not spying. It's social networking.

Saul: Are you crazy? What's wrong with you?
Robert: Your son thinks I'm seeing a woman in Westwood... And I am. Twice a week. She's a shrink. I'm seeing a shrink because my wife is dying.

Kevin: Remember that summer I spent in Wahaca? I came back looking like I'd eaten an entire Backstreet Boy.
Scotty: I hope it wasn't Nick Carter, he's my favorite.

Rebecca: How do you do it? How do you just pretend like he doesn't exist?
Holly: I know he exists. I'm just glad he doesn't exist here.

Sarah: Everybody grab a chair and assume your usual positions. Oh, except for Justin. We decided to let you sit at the big person's table this year.
Justin: Yes, I made it. (hugs Saul) Uncle Saul, I made it.

This hospital has the worst food I ate. It's not even food. It's some horrible facsimile of food.


Sarah: You know, everybody in this building is on some kind of drug, and we can't even drink. That's not fair.
Robert: And that's not sparkling cider.

Sarah: (to Ethan and Kyle): Guys, this party has got to be off the hook. Or is it chain?

Kitty: Every thanksgiving, when mom asks Kevin if he would like a piece of pie, Kevin always says the same thing and then he proceeds to eat half of the pie all by himself. So here's to Kevin, who this year, gave new meaning to the phrase, "Oh, just a sliver."
Kevin: That is the worst, most tasteless toast I have ever heard.

Brothers & Sisters Quotes

No, no. No 'Buts'. You're not allowed to give up. You're not allowed to give up because you believe in your gut that this is right. And besides, we've all inherited this absurd drive to make things that, that yes, they seem complicated and they're messy, but we can turn them into something great.


Do I at least get a cigarette and a chance to say my last words?
