Robert: Listen, I'm sorry about today. You told me this terrible thing about Tommy and I was just ... a jerk. And I can see from your expression that you agree with my assessment.
Kitty: Pretty much.

Kitty: Why is there so much press here?
Scotty: Something tells me they're not here to rave about my canapes.

Scotty: Are you looking for something?
Justin: Yeah, er... (he looks around) yeah. My trumpet. Here it is.
Scotty: Oh you play?
Justin: Er no.
Scotty: Oh you played growing up?
Justin: No.

Scotty: You're an attorney ...
Kevin: Not if I'm on life support. As my husband, you'd be charged with pulling the plug or not.
Scotty: Okay, this is all starting to get a little too real.
Kevin: It's a good thing we are married. If it was up to my mother, she'd never pull the plug and I'd be a vegetable for all eternity.

Ojai Foods has turned into Ojai dudes.


Nora: Maybe I learned something over the last few days.
Kevin: Really? The only thing that I learned is that vegan food gives me the trots.

Kitty: We're not nay-saying the house, mother.
Robert: (looking around) Oh, although we're not not nay-saying it either.

Saul: I think we should go to Holly. After all, she's human.
Sarah: That's disputable.

Justin: Mom. Tell us about the cult.
Nora: Uh. I ... I may ... I may have overreacted just a little.

Listen, Saul. I know that Ojai doesn't feel like our company any more and I'm going to change that. I want to bring Tommy home, I want to put this family and this company back together, because one doesn't work without the other.


Scotty: So you're not going to go?
Kevin: No. It's our anniversary.
Scotty: That's not an excuse. Kevin, Kevin, you don't celebrate something that's working when you're being asked to help with something that's not.

Nora: You remember Ryan?
Rebecca: Yeah, of course, of course. What brings you guys by today?
Ryan: Oh, you didn't get the memo? It's bring your illegitimate child to work day.
Rebecca: Oh, yeah, I went to that last year.

Brothers & Sisters Quotes

No, no. No 'Buts'. You're not allowed to give up. You're not allowed to give up because you believe in your gut that this is right. And besides, we've all inherited this absurd drive to make things that, that yes, they seem complicated and they're messy, but we can turn them into something great.


Do I at least get a cigarette and a chance to say my last words?
