Can I bring anything back for you damaged fu-kers? Some coke? Some heroine? Some Pink Taco?


I'm in a pickle Hank! It's a big gay pickle!


I support you bromo-sexual.


Without her there'd be no rock and roll.


The client insists Charlie! Now go get you di-k sucked by a stranger!


Seems like the kind of night where you need to feel everything. Even if it hurts so bad you want to tear your fu-king skin off.


Hank Moody get up off your ass and come with me. I'm going to play you the greatest song ever written in the history of the universe. After which we shall snort cocaine and have our ass-oles tongued by the angels.


Why would I put some clothes on? This is the way baby Jesus made me.


Why you wanna rain on my gay parade?


I am the sh-t when it comes to making p-ssies pretty.


I still think you are mean, petty and vindictive, but I'm thinking maybe we should hate f-ck? Get the poison out?


Ken: How was the party last night?
Charlie: Ah well, guys in black leather, the smell of moist ass hair. What's not to like?

Californication Quotes

Try not to forget all the times I brought you to fruition. 33 to be exact.

Hank Moody

I love women. I have all their albums.

Hank Moody