Why Doogie Howser? There is so many cool TV doctors. Dr. House...Dr. Shepherd...

My partner is in that bank!


I don't look, I hunt. And trust me, you don't want that.


Castle: Tell me you need me.
Beckett: Excuse me?

You are nothing but a well dressed loan shark.


Any relationship that lasts longer than a breath mint is going to have challenges.

Ryan: You have a big fight after?
Esposito: Big fight? No. Mega fight? Yes.

To best friends, now and forever.


How long have you known me Castle? Of course I don't believe in ghosts.


You? Skepticus Maximus?

Beckett: I'm sure there's a perfectly good explanation for all that.
Castle: There is...they're here!

I ain't afraid of no ghost!


Castle Season 4 Quotes

I'm not going to lose her again.


I know I'm not going to be able to have the kind of relationship I want until the wall comes down. I cant do that until this is put to rest.
