Talk about taking a header.

Why did you take his head, did you miss him?


Rejection isn't failure, failure is giving up.

That's what the great love stories are about, beating the odds.


Rick Castle:Actually, for a truly Castle-esque theory, it has to be fully thought through.
Kate Beckett: Since when?

A writer and his muse solving crime, just like us.

What do you think those cons are going to do when they find out you ran around in tights?


Castle: If you could be any comic book hero, who would you be?
Beckett: Elektra.

Our killer is a superhero!!

Sword?? That is so Game of Thrones.

If you hold on to tight, you will just push her away.


Castle: I seem to remember asking you to make me an ET costume and you told me you didn't know how to sew.
Martha: Details. Besides, you were 32 at the time.

Castle Season 4 Quotes

I'm not going to lose her again.


I know I'm not going to be able to have the kind of relationship I want until the wall comes down. I cant do that until this is put to rest.
