Castle: Can I say something that will probably annoy you?
Beckett: Since when do you ask for permission?

I would say she has amazing potential, as a murderer.

This killer, for reasons unknown has clearly selected two victims who bear deliberate resemblance to members of our own police family.

Capt. Gates

An M.E. investigates the murder of her own doppelganger. It'd be a great story if Lanie weren't living it.

I love when you get angry, I mean at other people, not at me.

Privacy ends when murder begins.


They say we all have a twin out there somewhere. I guess this one's mine.


Beckett: I was hoping for something more romantic and less Hobbity.
Castle: Why does everyone always think those two are mutually exclusive?

These pieces all over their my story but the shells, that's ours.

I actually like those elephants. They obviously have family values and this one's good with money.

As if clowns weren't creepy enough.

Ryan: I don't know about you but I am very comfortable in my masculinity.
Esposito: You do realize you're wearing a sweater vest, right?

Castle Season 6 Quotes

Kate, I'm not proposing to you so you'll keep your job or because I'm afraid I'm going to lose you. I'm proposing because I can't imagine my life without you.


Oh my god! Oh my god! You're proposing!


Castle Season 6 Music

  Song Artist
In My Veins Andrew Belle iTunes
Song All I Could Think About Was You Robert Duncan
Song I Just Want You (remixed) Robert Duncan