Never doubt the power of goodness in one's heart, or for a single second that we make an incredible family. And you will be loved. Always.


Boden: He made a choice to go back in. I as chief made a choice to let him.
Jimmy: A choice?
Boden: Yeah, just like I made the choice to come in and get you.

Be honest with yourself Matt I want something that you don't. I'm ready, and you're not. It's not a crime, and it doesn't make you any less of a man.


Kidd: Grant's been texting me non-stop since I didn't go to his gig.
Severide: He still using?
Kidd: Uh, four minutes ago, "I hope you burn to death slowly." Two minutes ago, "Sorry baby, I love you."

All right, we have 20-plus victims inside. The only thing holding this building up is God and carpeting.


Antonio: You either go get her and make this right for good, or you leave her the hell alone.
Casey: You want to intimidate someone, Antonio, take it back to the 21st. If you're just giving advice then I can tell you, I don't want it.

Mouch: See what I heard when they said medical leave was four weeks paid vacation.
Kidd: Yeah shouldn't you be on a single's tour of Middle Earth or something?

Boden: It's okay to be scared.
Otis: You know, I walk into a burning building, and I know what I'm up against, but this? I'm in over my head here.

Kidd: I figured you were just paying me back for pulling your ass out of that fire.
Severide: Is that what happened?
Kidd: Hell yeah. I saved your life. Don't forget it.

Brett: If he said the bruises went away...
Cruz: I don't buy it. Otis gets a hang nail, he doesn't shut up about it for a week. This he says is nothing?

Kidd: What I am talking about is artisanal ice cubes. Look, Severide knows. Severide, you ever order a Scotch on the rocks and they bring you one, giant, perfectly clear ice cube?
Severide: Yeah.
Kidd: So, it's pretty awesome right?
Severide: Yeah, it keeps the drink cold, if that's what you mean.

JJ: She likes you.
Severide; Your mom?
JJ: She calls you Kelly. Ever since my dad died, she calls almost every guy "nitwit", but you're just Kelly.

Chicago Fire Season 4 Quotes

Otis: Candidate's late on his first day?
Mouch: Now that takes gumption.

Patterson: I'd like you to remain with the company. Your reputation as a firefighter is not in question.
Severide: No, just my ability to lead.