Mack: You got a problem with Springfield?
Severide: No. Just know a girl there.
Mouch: He knows a girl everywhere.

I know what you're thinking and whipped cream will not be a part of it.


Severide: You still haven't given that to her?
Casey: Every time I try, something gets in the way.

It's going to take a lot more bacon cheeseburgers before I'm back to my fighting weight.


Boden: A guy you try to rescue points a gun at you, you tell me right away.
Casey: You wouldn't let me go back in, Chief.
Boden: Damn right I wouldn't.

Severide: You okay?
Dawson: Yeah, fine. I'm a people person.

She needs your support right now, not your judgment.


Hey, Lieutenant, is there something you want to get off your chest?


I'm confused. Am I supposed to see my face in this kind of surface or not?


You're having contractions. Honey, do you know you're pregnant?


Am I the only one that remembers the foozeball fiasco of 2009?


I'm a firefighter. I help people every day. Some make it, some don't.


Chicago Fire Season 5 Quotes

You want to know what I think when the bells go off? That there's a family out there and they're just like mine and they're counting on me to help them.


I don't know how you do it. Put your love for your kids aside and run into a burning building. That was different for me today.
