You look so good in a suit. I can't wait to tear it off later.

April [to Ethan]

Ava: You've got it all covered, huh?
Connor: Look, I did what I had to for my patient.
Ava: At the expense of mine! So do me a favor, okay, and save your self-righteous hero speech for someone else.

I canceled our trip. They asked if I wanted to re-book for a later date. I said "Sure, in about eighteen years."

Greg [father of the surprise baby]

Daniel: I threatened him? Sabotage?
Sarah: Yes!
Daniel: I'm a shrink in a sweater vest, not a secret agent.

First year resident, projectile vomit is a rite of passage.


Three hours and twenty toddlers; do you have *any* idea how many boogers that is?


Daniel: Another little piece of advice from the old guy: Finances and family, they don't always mix.

Hey, take it from the old guy. Ease up, or you'll get a bunch of these. [gestures to wrinkles]


Ava: Actually, not new. Just the first time you've noticed. I thought I'd made more of an impression on you.
Connor: The way you can turn a compliment into a dig is quite the skill, Dr. Bekker.
Ava: Don't be so sensitive, Dr. Rhodes.

Chicago Med Season 3 Episode 13 Quotes

Hey, take it from the old guy. Ease up, or you'll get a bunch of these. [gestures to wrinkles]


Ava: Actually, not new. Just the first time you've noticed. I thought I'd made more of an impression on you.
Connor: The way you can turn a compliment into a dig is quite the skill, Dr. Bekker.
Ava: Don't be so sensitive, Dr. Rhodes.