Marcel: Why isn't the patient on echmo?
April: I ordered a COVID test on the donor tissue and asked the echmo technician to hold off until we got the results.
Marcel: April, that man in there is dying! For you to go against my orders because of something you think you saw is totally inexcusable.
April: I know but I just heard from the lab. The test was positive. There was COVID DNA in the lungs.

Veroni: Stop making excuses! I trusted you and you betrayed me like this. Who's the patient?
Will: She's Natalie's mother.
Veroni: That explains it, doesn't it? You realize you might just have compromised the entire trial. Not to mention your career.

Choi: Did you do this? Did you sedate this girl so that you could override her wishes?
Dean: I'm trying to save her life.

Will: It's a heart issue. Nothing to do with her liver.
Natalie: But she still needs a heart transplant.
Will: This is our best chance at keeping her alive til she gets one.
Natalie: I don't know, Will. There are so many potential complications.
Will: This is your mom. I'm not leaving any stone unturned.

Marcel: At this point we have to put you on an echmo, a machine that oxygenates your blood?
James: For how long?
Marcel: Hard to say. If we need to search for a pair of new lungs, it could be a few months.
Hillary: Are you saying we can't save these lungs?
Marcel: I'm not saying that. But it's possible.

April: So soon after surgery. What happened?
Marcel: I'm not sure yet, but I know that when things go this bad this fast, surgeon error is always on the top of the list.

Father: She's spent the last month glued to her computer reading horror stories about brain surgery.
Mindy: They're not just stories, dad! People come out changed. They have seizures, stutter, forget people's names. I play the piano. What if I can't do that anymore?

Will: Sabrina. Haven't seen you around the ED lately.
Veroni: I haven't seen you around the trial office either. I know I've been a little hard on you.
Will: I deserved it.
Veroni: True.
Will: So how is the follow up going?
Veroni: Good. Kender is going into Phase I soon. You know what that means?
Will: Data analysis?
Veroni: That too.
Will: Wait. Are you saying there's still a chance for us?
Veroni: A slight chance.

Could be a drug interaction. We're gonna need a list of her meds.


Sharon: I should have known. Vanessa is your daughter, isn't she? Does she know?
Maggie: Knows. And I'm not going to tell her.
Sharon: Maggie. What if these three weeks turn into something more permanent?
Maggie: I can handle it. It's not a problem.
Sharon: Oh Maggie. It already is.

This is an untested clinical trial drug and you're giving it to her without supervision. We don't know how it interacts with an LVAD. You could kill her! You need to come clean now.


Dean: This guy is a box of loose screws.
Charles: No, actually, he's a patient.