Okay, just because I am twenty-six, don't think I am some old fool.

Sarah [to a high school student]

Connor: I'm worried about Robin. She's not acting like herself. She is, uh, she's convinced that there's rats in my condo, but I haven't seen them, or heard them, and no exterminator can find them.
Daniel: Rats can be pretty clever.
Connor: Not that clever.

My dad considers me something of a disappointment. [Connor looks at him in disbelief] Oh, yeah, he didn't even want me to go to college. Says a real man goes right to work.

Will [to Connor]

Sarah [lecturing high school students about electronic babies]: Any questions?
Student: Are you a real doctor?
Sarah: Sometimes I wonder.

I'm gonna take medical advice from somebody who wet the bed till he was nine?

Pop Halstead [to Will]

Daniel [about a teenage patient, Elliot]: I mean, I think he could definitely benefit from therapy, but I'm not ruling out those meds.
Ethan: Chemical castration, really?
Daniel: It's temporary, Ethan. Raping somebody isn't.

Sharon: Well somebody paid. Was it you, Sam?
Abrams: My kid starts Sarah Lawrence in the fall. Not a chance in hell I cut a check that size to solve your problem.

Connor: Nice work. I guess that Navy training wasn't a waste after all.
Choi: That's how we do it on the battlefield.
Connor: Well, if it hadn't worked, I would've blamed you anyway.
Choi [smiling]: I know.

In any case, the problem's been resolved, and we can get back to business, saving lives, making money.


Connor: Hey, Robyn, what's, uh, what's going on?
Robyn: What's going on is might be an epidemic of Valley Fever breaking out and no one seems to care.
Sharon: Let me remind you, Ms. Charles, in case the air is too thin to breathe atop that soap box, that you are an epidemiologist and *I* am the one responsible for running this hospital.

Abrams [giving a consult]: It could be anything from a basal ganglia disorder to normal aging. It's impossible to tell without a head CT or an MRI.
Will: You know, maybe, if you just examine her yourself--
Abrams: Do I need to explain the definition of the word impossible to you? I'm a neurosurgeon, not a magician.

April: You look worried.
Nat: I do? That's not good. Just...I lost so many kids to cancer this year, that every time one comes in now, with the same symptoms, I just -- I can't help but feel the fear rising in me and it's all I can do to control it so that I don't scare the family.

Chicago Med Season 2 Quotes

Maggie: I hate killing their dreams.
Sharon: No, you like to let them hang themselves.

Dr. Latham: Dr. Downey thought very highly of you. I'm curious, there are rumors. Did you kill him?
Connor: I'm sorry?
Dr. Latham: Did you?