How'd you expect her to react? This city is filthy with hospitals, but you decided to come here. To do what? To rub it in Sharon's face?

Maggie [to Bert]

First you shoot me, then you bring me to a place from the dark ages. You really suck, Marius!

Jason [after being told he'll be catheterized]

Choi: Don't worry, we'll drape off this area before we insert the Foley.
Jason: What do you mean, "insert the Foley?"
Noah [brightly, holding up Foley catheter kit]: Oh, this goes up your urethra.

Sarah: Is that supposed to make me feel better?
Joey: Yeah.
Sarah: [incredulous pause] You know, Joey, you and I don't communicate very well.

[When Will wants to run more tests on Lyla]
Maggie: I hope this is not another one of your wild goose chases.
Will: What's that supposed to mean?
Maggie: It means keeping Bert in the E.D. is the opposite of what Goodwin needs right now.
Will: Well, this is a hospital Maggie. I know I don't need to remind you of whose needs come first.
Maggie: You want new labs? Fine. We're doing paper today. How 'bout filling these out? [hands Will forms in triplicate]

Could've been worse. Could've been a blonde.

Maggie [about Bert's new girlfriend]

Maggie [about Bert and his girlfriend]: Tell you this, he could have come in here with Beyoncé, and it'd still be a step down from you.
Sharon: You don't have to say that.
Maggie: It's true.

Connor: Yeah, I'm sorry, but the note says that if we pay them 30 bitcoins, they'll give us a decryption key. So...
Sharon: It's hospital policy not to engage with extortionists.
Connor: So we're going to fly blind, with one arm tied behind our back? It seems a little shortsighted. I mean, it's what, thirty, forty thousand dollars? That seems like nothing.
Will [muttering]: Says the guy with the trust fund.

Sarah: So, we have no access to anyone's medical records? How -- how do
Sharon: Well, there was a time not so long ago when we actually treated patients without the aid of computers. Imagine that. Tell them, Dr. Charles.
Daniel [as Maggie tries to take his tablet]: Can I keep it if I promise not to use it?

Robyn: There are a lot of pitfalls in dating a surgeon. It's crazy hours, stress of the job --
Dr. Bardovi [interrupting a private conversation]: Great case, Dr. Rhodes. very impressive. And thanks for the vote of confidence.
Robyn: -- Fawning women falling at your feet. Yeah, I don't know if I can compete with all that.

Sarah: Sometimes we get a win, right?
Daniel: Sometimes we get a win.

Dr. Bardovi: You're gonna do a great job, Dr. Rhodes. You're an exceptional surgeon, and it is an honor --
Connor: Dr. Bardovi, you don't have to do that. You're a fine surgeon, and trust me, I am a less than perfect teacher.

Chicago Med Season 2 Quotes

Maggie: I hate killing their dreams.
Sharon: No, you like to let them hang themselves.

Dr. Latham: Dr. Downey thought very highly of you. I'm curious, there are rumors. Did you kill him?
Connor: I'm sorry?
Dr. Latham: Did you?