Teyvon: I've been planning. I can get him everything he needs. But maybe what my baby needs is a better mother.
Maggie: I gave my baby up for adoption. I was 16 and at the time it seemed like the right thing to do, but there was a voice in the back of my head telling me not to do it. I ignored that voice and now it is all I hear.

Choi: Hector is not your patient.
Dean: Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you said it was no big deal when Manning and Marcel did it to me.
Choi: I said it wasn't a big deal that they were dating, not that they should go around other doctors' decisions.
Dean: I see. It's hard to know which rules to follow when they aren't all enforced equally.

April: If she shot that nail into her foot, you can put her on a psych hold, right?
Charles: Yes, but even on a psych hold she can still refuse surgery.
Will: We have to convince her to stay and do the surgery. Her life depends on it.

Nat: Did your doctor tell you your placenta is low?
Teyon: I don't get a doctor. I've got no insurance.

Will: You have a subdural hematoma.
Mona: So what?
Will: You have bleeding on the brain that won't go away on its own. It requires a cranionotomy. That's pretty significant surgery.
Mona: We had a deal. I get the head scan, you let me go to the hospital of my choice!
Will: Mona, without treatment you will die.
Mona: So let me go to East Mercy so I can get treatment.

Mona: Look, I thought I could use a nail gun. I shot myself in the foot by accident. It was stupid. Can I go now?
Charles: You hit your head hard enough to knock you out. You gotta think that's a serious bump.
Mona: I'm fine. They can take care of me at East Mercy.
Charles: So you think you'd get better treatment at East Mercy?
Mona: Yeah. They don't tie you to your bed.

Sharon: Auggie's gone, huh?
Maggie: Uh huh. He went off with the Carters this morning. I'm getting the stuff he left behind ready to donate.
Sharon: Must be hard.
Maggie: He's with his brother. He's happy. When Ben and I took him in, that's all we wanted for him.

Ethan: I need to make one thing clear. In this ED, I'm in charge.
Dean: Of course. To tell the truth, I was just eager to make a good impression.
Ethan: It's gonna be a big adjustment for both of us.
Dean: Lead, follow, or get out of the way. And it's my turn to follow.

Anna: I cannot leave Chicago.
Charles: I know it's difficult but once you get settled you'll make new friends and -
Anna: I'm not worried about leaving my friends. I'm worried about leaving you.

Charles: No evidence of stroke or Alzheimers. But look at this. C3. Looks like a fracture.
Maggie: So she might have fallen.
Charles: Yeah, like a year ago.

Maggie: Can you believe the nerve of those people?
Ben: Well, their heart was in the right place, wanting siblings to grow up together.
Maggie: So you're saying we should just give Auggie to them?
Ben: That's not what I'm saying. But we should have a conversation.
Maggie: I know we didn't want to have kids but -
Ben: Whoa whoa whoa. This has nothing to do with that.
Maggie: Doesn't it? Because it feels like you're looking for an out.

Auggie: No way! Swamp Tales? Can we play it right now?
Ben: Come on. It's your last day together. You really want to spend it playing video games?
Auggie and Keishon: Yeah!
Ben: All right. Have fun.

Chicago Med Season 6 Quotes

Maggie: Hey. I just got a text that Hannah was brought in. But it can't be COVID cause she's here, right?
Will: I found her unconscious with a needle in her arm. She OD'd.

Choi: Hey. This is the third week that April has been working on the COVID ward.
Lanic: She volunteered and we're short-staffed.
Choi: The protocol is one week on, one week off. April is putting her life at risk.