Woods: Do you remember the talk?
Brianna: Of course I do.
Woods: You never run from a cop. You never talk to one without a lawyer.
Brianna: He's your friend.
Woods: Is he a cop?

Honey, someone just tried to kill you, you need to be honest with me.


Black kid at a white college kneels for the anthem. Risks suspension for something he believes in. Takes a lot of guts, I'll give him that.


Well, you obviously ain't color blind.


Antonio: So you were telling me about how much you like being single.
Marcella: Mmm, oh yeah, it's fantastic. I love swiping right, or left. It's so romantic, you know.

Det. Marcella Gomez: I'm sorry. I don't know what to think about a guy who carries tissues in his jacket.
Antonio: What? Well, he's either incredibly sensitive, he's got a cold, or he's prepared for winter in Chicago.

Atwater: But none of this is on you, huh?
Joe: Me?
Atwater: I knew Ronnie. He wasn't a bad kid. Until he started imitating his gangbanger daddy.
Joe: I was teaching him how to be a man.
Atwater: You was teaching him how to die.

Voight: Why not call the police?
Michelle: I did. The car never showed. They get here fast to arrest us, not so much when we need help.

Burgess: Raul's job, an informant's job, is to provide information. He is an asset to the Chicago Police Department.
Upton: No, he is a person and he is a friend.

Ruzek: Why is she protecting that son of a bitch? I don't get it.
Burgess: Because she's in love with him.
Ruzek: In love with him?
Burgess: Yeah.
Ruzek: That's not love. That's Stockholm Syndrome.
Burgess: Try telling her it's not love. Sometimes, people, they trick themselves into believing what they want to believe because it feels better than the alternative.
Ruzek: Well sometimes it's real. And there's no trick or delusions. It's just good. It might be complicated but it's good.

Yah, the books not always right. Sometimes you gotta trust your gut.


Like hell if I didn't know him. The person you know, that's the lie.


Chicago PD Season 5 Quotes

Halstead: She's not coming back is she?
Voight: Look it was time for her to move on. You need to make peace with it.

Morgan William's senseless death has caused this city great distress and pain. And as a result, we've gone to great lengths to find someone to blame. Someone to hate. And no one has wanted to hate Detective Halstead more than me. But, the more I learned about what actually transpired that morning, the more I'm convinced Detective Halstead did nothing wrong. In fact, his actions saved several lives, several black lives.

Alderman Price