Ethan: She has a fever of 104. Definitely an infection. Dr. Dixon?
Elliot: Uh, meningitis or encephalitis? We need to do a spinal tap to be sure.
Leanne: It could be rabies.
Ethan: Rabies? I like it when you go off the reservation.

Elliot [about the shaman]: What's he saying?
Ethan: God, good. Devil, bad?

Angus [about setting up a date with Kelly]: The cafeteria is not romantic.
Ethan: Being romantic is not your worry at this point. Getting a fourth shot is.

Angus: I've had to cancel three times because of work.
Elliot: Yeah, and I told him that he should invite her to the hospital for a cup of coffee.
Ethan: That's adorable.

Elliot: What are you saying to her?
Angus: None of your beeswax.
Elliot [to Ethan]: He's got zero game. All right? I'm his Cyrano.

Noa: This is Russell --
Mario: Gibson. Point Guard. Waverly University. You're going first round in the draft.
Russell: Oh, I like this guy already. But not just first round. Top ten.
Noa: Can you two bro out later?

Angus: A hike?
Elliot: Yeah.
Angus: I thought we asked her out for coffee? I-I'm not a hiker. I-I look stupid in shorts. I don't even have any boots!

Emma: You think I'm in the battle of my life with Mr. Hazelton?
Jesse: No. I think you're in the battle with the other Emma, the one you don't like very much. And I think you could beat her. You just have to decide who you want to be.

Emma: Dude, you're a nurse, not a shrink.
Jesse: I don't need to be a shrink to see what I see.

There's a fine line between being a cowboy and an idiot.


Ethan: You know what your problem is, Savetti? You're good, but you're always trying to convince everybody you're great. You know the differences between the two?
Mario: I don't know. Brains, talent, courage?
Ethan: Knowing your limits.

Elliot: Hand over your cell.
Angus: Like a virginal first-year's gonna teach me to ask someone out?

Code Black Quotes

Life Lesson. When asked if you want to examine your patient some more, it's like being asked if you want a breath mint. The answer is always yes.

Jesse Salandar

We're not their friend, their family, or their shrink. We're their doctor. He gets confused.

Dr. Leanne Rorish