Sympathy is something that almost everybody has. But empathy...that gift that allows you to feel what other people are feeling, you got that locked down. So you don't leave. Because this is not your job, son. It's your calling.

Rollie [to Elliot]

Elliot: I quit.
Rollie: What?
Elliot: I'm sorry, I can't -- I can't do this.
Rollie: Elliot, listen to me. Do you know why you're good at it? Because they're not your patients. They're you.

Emmanuel: My daughter and I, we've been at odds with each other lately, and I was just asking God for guidance.
Rollie: And did you get an answer?
Emmanuel: He said if raising children were easy, he might've had another.

You're human. And humans want answers. The answers you need don't come with photographic evidence. They require that you believe in something you can't see. After all, that's why we call it faith, isn't it? Otherwise we'd call it proof.


Lola: "Some healing to do." That's my father's line. Pops up all the time in his Sunday sermons.
Ethan: Well, there's a fine line between faith and medicine.
Lola: Are you a man of faith, Dr. Willis?
Ethan: I have faith in medicine.

EMT: Description?
Rollie: Approximately six months old, a female... Do I really have to describe an infant to you?! Tell you what, just bring me whatever babies you find. How's that?

I'd quit this place if I could...but I can't.


Jesse: I can't believe you hijacked a helicopter today.
Leanne: Please, I've seen you hijack an ambulance for a taco.
Jesse: You came with me, remember?

Big Brother ain't got nothing on Big Mama. I got my network of spy nurses all over.


Everything Ihave ever gotten in my life, I've had to fight for. You never fought for anything.

Mario [to Angus]

Ethan: Look, you're gonna have to cut it short. I was out on a ride along --
Leanne: Another ride along? You need a hobby.
Ethan: Pot, kettle.

Jesse: So you want your Mama back, huh?
Campbell: I...I didn't -- I didn't say that.
Jesse: Say it. Come on. I want to hear the words.

Code Black Quotes

Life Lesson. When asked if you want to examine your patient some more, it's like being asked if you want a breath mint. The answer is always yes.

Jesse Salandar

We're not their friend, their family, or their shrink. We're their doctor. He gets confused.

Dr. Leanne Rorish