Loyalty to your friends cannot come before loyalty to your patients.


Jesse: Karen and Xander. My favorite couple returns.
Malaya: You know them?
Karen: Go ahead. Tell them how you proposed. [beat] Last time we were here, he put a ring on his...

Remember, during the dark times, it's incumbent on all of us to conjure up a little bit of magic.

Johnny Prentiss

Xander: I took dance lessons twice a week so I wouldn't look stupid in front of your family.
Jesse: That ship sailed, bro.

There's only one secret to being a good parent. You just gotta love that kid with all your might.

Julia Clark

Proof is easy. Faith...is hard damn work.

Johnny Prentiss

Leanne: I was white-knuckled panicked today.
Heather: You didn't seem it.
Leanne: We can be tough and scared at the same time, can't we? [pause] That's the job.

Ethan: You punched the captain of a Russian submarine today.
Campbell: He had it coming.

Ethan: You do not I'm not your first year resident, right?
Campbell: Your haircut confused me.

We do what we can to save people. Without adjudication, without prejudice. That's the discipline, that's the job. The only question is, can you do it?

Leanne [to Heather]

Heather: You sure you wanna save this guy?
Leanne: I'm not a cop and I'm not a judge, and neither are you. Let's go.

Ethan: I think your boss likes me. Maybe we can all go golfing one day.
Dr. Volkov: The last time we did that, I almost died.

Code Black Season 2 Quotes

You think you're smarter than your mama cause you got an M.D.? You're not. I can tell when you're lying, crying, or dying.


Mike: If you're afraid of flying in one, why'd you hop on board?
Ethan: I didn't say I was scared. I said I didn't like 'em. I also don't like bad tequila, but that didn't stop me last night.