You're the same old Guthrie, always by the book. I'm not surprised to see you working here at County. What are you making, twelve bucks an hour? I hear Denny's is paying fifteen.

Dr. Goldman

Heather: Why didn't you let us know you were hurt?
Guard Jackie: Showing weakness to those guys? It's a death sentence.
Heather: Well. You just became my spirit animal.

There's not a single part of me that wants to die. But I'm dying. And I want to do it while I'm still me.


Ethan: Even with the seizure meds, there's still a lot you can do.
Whitney: Please don't say bucket list. If one more person tells me to go bungee jumping, I'm going to explode.

I should get a punch card for this place. Ten seizures and I get a free frappucinno.


Desmond: That is my child over there!
Leanne: He's not a child! They grew up, Desmond. You're lucky you got to see that happen.

You are exactly the right doctor to care for her. Nobody else knows her situation like you do. So use your memories to help her. But don't get lost in them.

Leanne [to Malaya]

Joy: Everyone's going to think it's my own fault.
Malaya: No. No. You did nothing wrong.
Joy: I'm just a slut who got drunk at a party.
Malaya: Let me tell you something, Joy. You fought back.

Angus: My first year of medical school. Don't remind me. I was in worse shape than my cadavers. I remember, I begged you to come visit.
Mike: But you asked all the right questions, and I knew you'd make a great doctor. That's why I made you my medical proxy. Because you're the most thoughtful person I know.

Joy: I don't know. Maybe this is who I am now. The girl who got raped. That's the worst part. Someday I'll have to tell my husband.
Malaya: No. He took *one* night from you. Don't let him have one more second. You are more than the bad things that happen to you. You are the grace that follows.

Campbell: Oh now you think you know me.
Ethan: Not yet. But you did just get more interesting.

You know what? Maybe I will stick around, just to piss off Campbell.


Code Black Season 2 Quotes

You think you're smarter than your mama cause you got an M.D.? You're not. I can tell when you're lying, crying, or dying.


Mike: If you're afraid of flying in one, why'd you hop on board?
Ethan: I didn't say I was scared. I said I didn't like 'em. I also don't like bad tequila, but that didn't stop me last night.