Manny: How's she doing? You think she can help us?
Constantine: She's more than handled herself this far.
Manny: Putting a lot of time and effort into her. Let's hope it's not wasted. Wouldn't want to go down that road again.
Constantine: She's as tough as they come this one. And it's just until we can sort out this rising darkness nonsense. Then she's free to go on her own merry way.
Manny: Unless you scare her off before. Not everybody's cut out to do what you do and not everybody has the stomach to watch you do it.

There's only one true way to deal with our recording. I drew on the disc's own dark magic to send it back to hell where it belongs.

You're gonna have to respect my boundaries. I don't do zip ties without a safe word.

The devil used to be an angel. That's why he's called the first of the fallen. You ask a holy type and they'll tell you the soul is the purest expression of God's love. The spark of creation. Every time the first takes a soul he's exacting revenge. Paying back the almighty for casting him out.

I had an old recording studio. Willie's legend was he had sold his soul to the devil. Never put much stock in that. Turns out the acetate, it was working and recorded something when he died. The voice of the deceiver.


Each one of these stigmata represents a place where something bad is going down. Supernatural brush fires if you will. Me, Chas and a few others we're the bucket brigade.

Constantine: You did good earlier if I failed to mention it.
Zed: Well now I know what line of work you do.
Constantine: It's not for everyone love.

Constantine: Hey what happened here?
Miner: It all came down right on top of us.
Constantine: Before it happened... knocking. Did you hear knocking?
Miner: Yeah it's in there.

Constantine: You saw the fire.
Zed: Was that the man in town who was burning?
Constantine: What else did you see?
Zed: A tall cross.
Constantine: Alright, you did a cracking job. Well we're on to something you and me.

Zed: It's you. You're you.
Constantine: That observation always ends in the same way and it's never in my favor.
Zed: I dream about you. I was starting to believe you weren't real. Who are you?

My mum died giving birth to me. My dad said it was my fault. He had a nickname for me, I heard it every night. Hey there killer. And after a night in the pub which was every night, he'd punch my head and say that's for what you did to your mother killer.

Furcifer: It's only a matter of time before you belong to us.
Constantine: Hell must be short on souls if you're bothering with a sorry one like mine.
Furcifer: On the contrary, we rely on you to provide us with a fresh supply. Everyone who stands at your side dies.

Constantine Season 1 Quotes

Liv: What is happening to me?
Constantine: You're waking up. You're seeing the world for what it really is. Just like your father could.

It's easier to deny danger than to face it, but make no mistake if you don't listen to me you'll be dead by morning.
