River: The calls are coming from inside the bags.
Jenny: It's, uh ... it's family members. They're trying to reach their loved ones.
Casey: It's unnerving. It's sad.

Kelly: I like your family.
Jenny: They seem to really like you too. Especially my dad. Are you sure about this?
Kelly: Dealing with your family, it helps me to forget.

McAvoy: You said there's nothing textbook about his psychosis.
Jenny: He wants to take his son home to her.
McAvoy: Then he's going home.

McAvoy: Imagine being so in love with someone, so connected, you couldn't see the truth?
Jenny: Devotional delusions.
McAvoy: Maybe all devotion's delusional.

Kelly: Kingston, Ontario? Your boyfriend lives in Kingston, Ontario and you haven't visited him?
Ross: Yes, but, I currently live in a tent and have no job so I'm trying to get it together a little bit there.

Kelly: I have a waitressing gig but it's only two nights a week. I would work every night if it meant not being alone with myself.
Jenny: Grief is a monster.
Kelly: And I run from monsters.

Jenny: Muliple people die in a fire, and they're building condos already.
McAvoy: That's Toronto.

Ross: Okay, last time you woke up in the fridge?
Liam: Yeah. The fridge, the garden, and the road.
Ross: You were digging on the road?
Jenny: No. I wasn't digging the road, I was just on the road.
Liam: Yeah, while you were asleep.
Jenny: Okay. I'm not exactly sure why I'm sleepwalking. Right? But maybe it's just because I'm stressed. Or because we're renovating. Or just because I need a nap.

Casey: I'm Casey Winter, the new pathologist. I'm no Dr. Allen but I like off-broadway musicals, new cuisine, and old mixtapes. And you may have seen my cape.
River: I think I'm going to like you.
Casey: Ugh! You already like me.

Jenny: How would you describe your relationship with Brad?
Erika: I have a near perfect grade point average. And his? It was average. I have tons of letters of recommendation and research experience, and he had none. He didn't even have an interest in dementia research. Mr grandmother has dementia! Besides, Sue and Brad deserved each other. Disloyalty is thicker than blood.
McAvoy: What does that mean?
Erika: It means I started following Brad. I wanted to see what he had over me. And you know what? That mofo went straight from Sue's lab to the competitor's across town. Every thursday at 2', like clockwork.
McAvoy: So you think Brad was working for both labs?
Erika: Oh, he was totally a mole, selling our research to the other lab.
Jenny: So, there's another lab that's studying Lewy Body Dementia? Uh, are they any closer to finding a cure than this lab?
Erika: Rumor is, they've already started human trials. God, I bet that drives Sue nuts. She may be purely motivated by the prevention of disease and suffering, but she wants that patent first.
McAvoy: Yeah, that patent's worth money.
Erika: Millions of dollars.
Mcavoy: And where'd you say Brad went?
Erika: Everything I told you is bound by like a coroner confidentiality, right? 'Cause I just applied for an internship there.
Jenny: Yeah ... no.

McAvoy: 24-year-old science nerds aren't supposed to die like this.
Jenny: No one's supposed to die like this.

McAvoy: I'm pretty sure this is how it all started, when the velociraptors seized control of the genetics lab. Jurassic Park?
Jenny: Huh? Yeah, I never saw it.

Coroner Season 2 Quotes

Alison: Jenny? What're you doing?
Jenny: Can you call the autopsy suite?
Alison: Do you want me to call the fire department too? Yeah, I don't think our benefits cover "fall from tree!"

Ross: This is ... I wish I was coming with you. This is dumb.
Matteo: Literally, um, every place name at Queens ends in "Hall." Like, this hall, that hall. How the hell am I gonna know where I'm going? You're the navigator in our relationship.
Ross: I messed up. 'Kay, I messed up big time. And that's why I'm not coming with you, but I will find my way back to you.
Matteo: Promise?
Ross: Yes, I promise.