If you wanna impress a woman, compliment her. Don't talk about your own equipment, especially when your own equipment has circuitry.


It's like a laser pointer of nasty instead of the massive gaseous cloud of pain that is Wikileaks.


Annie: Don't we have a responsibility to help her if she's in trouble?
Auggie: Damn. You played the morality card.

Ben: Paperwork already? Langley's bureaucracy is a joke.
Jai: No, it's books of Sudokus. I thought it might help you pass the time and...you're an asshole.

Jai: For the record, you do have a problem with authority.
Ben: For the record, I don't consider you an authority figure.

Annie: Increased heartrate. A spike in blood pressure. I think the polygraph is getting to you.
Ben: I think it's the polygrapher.

Annie: You have some mouth on you.
Nadia: You speak Estonian?
Annie: Just the swear words.

Covert Affairs Season 2 Episode 1 Quotes

Annie: Increased heartrate. A spike in blood pressure. I think the polygraph is getting to you.
Ben: I think it's the polygrapher.

Annie: You have some mouth on you.
Nadia: You speak Estonian?
Annie: Just the swear words.