Annie: Got any conversation starters?
Auggie: Yeah I do actually, but they all require you not being able to see.

Joan, look. My pupils are fine.


Joan: If you were on trial, would you want me on your jury?
Auggie: Could I take the fifth on that one?

Auggie: Can you return it when you're done or convert it into a condo?
Annie: You're obviously not a woman.

Annie: Hey Joan. Auggie, a little heads up next time.
Auggie: It's not like I'm the most difficult guy to sneak up on.

Annie: I totally did not see that coming, did you?
Eyal: What is it about you Americans that brings out the worst in everyone you meet?

Joan: Your honor, I know this might sound self-aggrandizing, but I cannot sit on a three week trial. My job needs me.
Judge: You're right Number 9, I do hear the sound of your own horn tooting. Sit down.

Covert Affairs Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

Annie: I totally did not see that coming, did you?
Eyal: What is it about you Americans that brings out the worst in everyone you meet?

Joan: Your honor, I know this might sound self-aggrandizing, but I cannot sit on a three week trial. My job needs me.
Judge: You're right Number 9, I do hear the sound of your own horn tooting. Sit down.