You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body. But you will never imprison my mind - Mahatma Gandhi.


Morgan: Hey, did you want a cup?
JJ: Mm.
Morgan: Oh right, right. The whole...uh...yeah.
JJ: Yeah. I'm still nursing. Ah it's okay. Only 45 days, 3 hours and 6 minutes left. But who's counting?

Guilt is perhaps the most painful companion of death - Coco Chanel


Morgan: Seriously, talk to me. What is your secret? Cause you look good.
JJ: Well yeah, see these guns? It's from lugging around two boys all day.

We are all sharks, circling, and waiting for traces of blood to appear in the water - Alan Clar


Larson: What are you doing up there?
Unsub: If you scream, I'll kill you. I don't want to hurt you, okay?
Larson: I'm hungry! Get your ass down here. Get me some food. You hear me?
Unsub: Okay!

JJ: Everything okay?
Reid: Actually no. My mom's not doing so well. The doctors have had to change her medicine three times to try to stabilize the schizophrenia.
JJ: Spence, why didn't you say anything?
Reid: I didn't want to bother you.
JJ: Okay. That's never possible. Got it?

Can't you do anything right, you stupid bastard! You're a worse cook than your mother. Why don't you just take this slop. Clean it up you son of a bitch.


Joy: You like this, don't you?
Burnett: What are you talking about?
Joy: Look at you. You're excited. Is this what you did to Cathy Miller?
Burnett: Cathy Miller? I haven't heard that name in a long time. I remember her.
Joy: You should. You killed her.
Burnett: All I said was that I remember her. Everyone remembers what happened to her.

Bahni: How long have you been watching me?
Unsub: Long enough to know that I wanted you.

Burnett: All right, let's make a deal.
JJ: Let's not.

To a father, nothing is dearer than a daughter - Euripides.


Criminal Minds Season 11 Quotes

Lewis: Look I just want to say even if don’t' get the position this was the best job interview ever.
Garcia: Penelope Garcia. You're marvellous. [To Hotch] She's marvellous.
Hotch: Agent Lewis I believe I asked you to wait, and that was about thirty-six hours ago?
Lewis: It was completely worth it.
Hotch: Maybe we can have that sit-down now?
Lewis: Yeah. 2:00 a.m. is my jam.

Courage is grace under pressure - Ernest Hemingway
