Simmons: Listen I'll pay cash and double the tip if you drive me to Dorchester. Name your price. The car I ordered is ten minutes away and I've got to get home.
Unsub: Get in.
Simmons: Man you just saved my life. You have no idea.

Bruner: Zimmer isn't responsible for the conduct of its drivers.
Lewis: And why is that?
Bruner: They're independent contractors.
Lewis: So if a driver were to kidnap me or get drunk and drive off a bridge with me sitting right next to him, you're claiming Zimmer's not responsible.
Bruner: A bit dramatic, but true. Zimmer is merely a technology platform that matches willing drivers and passengers.

Simmons: What are you doing?
Unsub: Of all the cars you've could have got into, you got into mine. Some might say that luck or fate brought us together. I like to think it was divine intervention.

You know what that self-righteous son of a bitch did? He molested little girls. But he's not going to be punished. He took the easy way out. He left a pathetic note! It is not FAIR! Sinners must be punished! Sinners like you!


A man's very highest moment is, I have no doubt at all, when he kneels in the dust and beats his breast, and tells all the sins of his life - Oscar Wilde.


Cat: You test yourself? No you didn't. You were too scared.
Reid: I thought I dodged a bullet when I turned 30 and didn't have a schizophrenic break like her, but this is somehow bigger and scarier because I can actually see it happening. All the memories that we used to share are just dying. I can't stop it, I can't help her. All I can do is find people that I can help.

Cat: Tell me now or I'll...
Reid: Detonate the bomb? You're not going to do that, Cat because then you won't learn anything. You said you were good at your job because you think through every outcome. Well guess what? So do I.

Reid: Even when you first laid eyes on me, from the bar, from outside, from wherever you were, you should have seen through me, and kept on moving. But you didn't. You couldn't. Because you can't get to the man you really want to hurt so you need to hurt any man who reminds you of him.
Cat: That's kind of boiler-plate psychology, isn't it? I'm just another girl with daddy issues?
Reid: You'd be surprised how many killers do what they do because of their parents. If it's so boiler-plate, let's test the theory. How hard did you look for him?
Cat: Very hard.
Reid: How disappointed were you when you realized that you will never find him?

Cat: And keep in mind that the only reason you're not dead now is because I did learn something important.
Reid: Oh really? What's that?
Cat: Your backup. I flushed them out. It's just you and me now.
Lewis: Guess again, bitch.

Cat: Why did you take time off from the FBI?
Reid: You can ask me as many times as you want. You can continue to waste your time and I'm still not going to tell you.
Cat: Then you're cheating and I don't like cheaters.
Reid: You don't get everything you want just because you're point a gun at me under a table. You're not the first killer to point a gun at me. You're not even the first woman to point a gun at me. Sorry.
Cat: You're really going to take this all the way, aren't you?
Reid: Yeah.
Cat: So am I.

  • Permalink: So am I.
  • Added:

Cat: Tell me about me.
Reid: You? You're a Black Widow hit woman. You specialize in seduction and you're patient. You learn everything you can about the men you're hired to kill, physically, psychologically and emotionally, because you want them in as compromised a position as possible, so they don't see it coming when you pull the trigger.
Cat: And when I do it really well, they pull the trigger themselves.

Cat: Do you know why I'm so good at my job?
Reid: Because you kill without compunction or remorse.
Cat: That only gets a girl so far in life. No, it's because I think through every potential outcome, and then I plan accordingly. You see, I didn't want into your trap. You walked into mine.

Criminal Minds Season 11 Quotes

Lewis: Look I just want to say even if don’t' get the position this was the best job interview ever.
Garcia: Penelope Garcia. You're marvellous. [To Hotch] She's marvellous.
Hotch: Agent Lewis I believe I asked you to wait, and that was about thirty-six hours ago?
Lewis: It was completely worth it.
Hotch: Maybe we can have that sit-down now?
Lewis: Yeah. 2:00 a.m. is my jam.

Courage is grace under pressure - Ernest Hemingway
