I have never yet heard of a murderer who is not afraid of a ghost - John Philpot Curran


Morgan: Let me guess. She don't know nothing about nothing.
Rossi: Practically a direct quote. How did you know that?
Morgan: It's a busy enough street. Broad daylight. House is fully exposed. Either this UnSub is really really good or this is the world's worst neighborhood watch program.

The doctrine of the immortality of the soul has more threat than comfort - Mason Cooley.


Garcia: When did you get back? No one told me you got back and I've been worried like crazy because they said you were shot. With bullets.
Morgan: I'm fine.
Garcia: I can't believe you were shot.
Morgan: I got shot in my bullet-proof vest baby girl. It's just a couple of bruises. I'm okay.
Garcia: Why don't they make better vests? That's not bullet proof. It's like when you fall in the pool and your watch stops working. That's water-resistant, not waterproof.
Morgan: I am just fine. See? [Pulls up shirt]. It's just a couple of bruises.
Garcia [stroking his six pack]: How long do you have to be taped up like this?
Morgan: I don't know. A couple of days maybe. Are you relaxed now?
Garcia [still stroking the bandage]: I'm relaxed. Hey, if you need someone to help you, you know, put new bindings on, re-wrap or unwrap...
JJ: Hey you guys----hope I'm not interrupting anything.

William Shakespeare once wrote "Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind."


JJ: What's going on with him [Reid] anyway?
Morgan: I think pretty boy's got a girlfriend.
JJ: You do? Why hasn't he told us?
Morgan: I respect his privacy.
JJ: No you don't.
Morgan: You're right. I don't. But I'm not about to play 20 questions with someone I'm not sleeping with.

Blake: So what's with you today? Is this about phone booth girl?
Reid: She wants to meet.
Blake: Wait. You guys have never met? Aren't you curious what she looks like?
Reid: It doesn't matter what she looks like. She's already the most beautiful girl in the world to me. It's just....what if she doesn't like me?
Blake: Why wouldn't she like you?
Reid: Because I'm weird. I slouch. My hair's too long. My tie's perpetually crooked.
Blake: Your hair's fine.
Reid: Really? Thanks. My mom thinks it's too long. So does my Aunt Ethel.
Blake: Well, you're not dating them.
Reid: I just wouldn't want to ruin something so special over something so trivial as looks.
Blake: I think you're excited but afraid. Seeing her will only make the relationship better. Trust me.

JJ: Well I think after this long hard week we just had we should all head over to Rossi's and pop open some old expensive wine.
Rossi: That's a plan.
Garcia: Could we maybe play some games too?
Morgan: What kind of games?
Garcia: You tell me, sweet cheeks.

Thomas Merton once wrote "Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone. We find it with another."


Morgan: Baby girl it wasn't stage fright. I wasn't ready to discuss my feelings about my father in public.
Garcia: And you think talking about his partner is going to bring up those feelings?
Morgan: How can I honor Jason Ryder when I couldn't honor my own father? It's disrespectful.

The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for - Fyodor Dostoyevsky


Garcia: We love the British, remember?
Morgan: Can we just drop this?
Garcia: I can go with you.
Morgan: Nobody is going.
Garcia: I'll wear my contacts.
Morgan: What did I just say?
Garcia: Who do I wear my contacts for?

Criminal Minds Season 8 Quotes

Morgan: Hey sweetness. What have you got?
Garcia: Tidbits as juicy as you, love shack.

Camp director: Do you know what the biggest problem in America is today?
Reid: We're losing the war against antibiotic resistance.
Camp director: Smartphones.