Nick: You wouldn't happen to have any garlic on you.
Ray: Fresh out.

I can beat that [holds up axe] - looks like someone tried to bury the hatchet.

" I know this guy, that's Kurt Francis. Sara

Sara: Did you know a twelve letter word for "across the woods" is "Transylvania?"
Nick: Grissom? Is that you?
Sara: Shut up.

Nick: Triple homicide at the Tangers.
Ray: Let's go hunt some monsters.

The vet was trying to remove the VIN number from the fin. The FIN number.


Catherine: Then how did the exhaust for your car end up in Dr. Holloway's tank?
Boozell: What am I one of those Mythbuster guys? I don't know.

Hodges: Wanna give me a heads up what I am looking for?
Nick: What every turned out suspect into the pink panther.

Sara: Fish are beautiful.
Nick: Not when you are sleeping with them.

So our shark is only guilty of biting a dead woman, our killer is still out there.


Nick: So that is Ernest Boozell, "The Booz."
Catherine: The biggest shark in town.

Ray, no matter how much we think we can control life, there is always a little bit we can't. Once we accept that we can move on.

Dr. Robbins

Kacey: I know we don't have time, can I just make sure you don't blow us both up.
Nick: Yeah, that's a good idea.

CSI Season 11 Quotes

Haskell: I want Ray to live a long time so he thinks of me every time he unzips his pants
Brass: Yeah, he will remember what a putz you are.

Brass: You know what this button does.
Ray: Morphine clouds my thinking.