Two [regarding the Android drinking a cup of hot chocolate]: That's a pretty big 'testing sample.'
The Android: ...I like to be thorough.

Ryo: What are you willing to sacrifice for the safety and security of our people?
Hiro: My life.
Ryo: The throne will do.

Ryo: I'm glad we didn't kill you.
Six: Um... thanks?

Hers was a ruthlessness born of insecurity. But you, you hold a strength brawn from confidence and compassion. I don't miss Portia Lin.


Oh, Ryo. I didn't believe you back then because you were persuasive. I believed you because I was in love with you. You idiot.


Hi, your Majesty! My name is Five, and I'm here to rescue you!


My name is not Four. I am Ishida Ryo. Emperor of Zairon.


Dark Matter Season 2 Episode 12 Quotes

Nyx: And you're confident they won't betray you?
Ryo: They swore an oath of loyalty.
Nyx: Presumably the same oath they swore to the *standing* emperor.

This is Ishida Ryo. Your ship is at my mercy. Surrender or die.
