I'm not cold and cunning. I'm unreadable and sly.


Why didn't my husband tell me any of this? You made it sound like we have the perfect marriage, and clearly we don't. Why did you lie to me?


Chloe: I appreciate your concern. I really do. But I'm a grown-ass woman and I can decide for myself who I want to be with.
Belle: I understand. But if Xander steps one toe out of line -
Chloe: You'll say I told you so?
Belle: No. I'll help you kick his ass from here all the way to Scotland.

Marlena: Who exactly do you think I am?
Whitley: Well, I know who you are. You are Charlemange de la Croix, from Body & Soul.
Marlena: Actually, that's a fictional character. I'm Dr. Marlena Evans.

I can't think about Aiden right now. I just can't.


I don't know what's going on with Adrienne, but she doesn't need you two idiots making it worse.


Samantha Jean Brady Dimera, will you marry me one last time.


Jack: Happy Thanksgiving.
Jen: Happy Thanksgiving. You know, I don't think I've ever had so much to be grateful for.

[to Leo] Don't you dare or I will make it so Lady is not just a nom de plume.


Kayla: Eve. May I ask you a question?
Eve: What's that?
Kayla: How can you live with yourself?

I am very proud of my brother today and equally proud of the woman he's chosen to be his wife. When I'm around Abigail and Chad, I can't help but be uplifted by the light that emanates from them. It's made my heart not so dark. It's made me a better man. I am sure that everyone in this room will agree that history will not be remembering the Dimeras for how they loved, but when they write the story of Chad and Abigail, it'll be a story of beauty, poignancy, a story of true love, a story of passion that is timeless. And so, I want to say to them, to wish them a very well deserved happily ever after.


Man, there's no way I'm gonna change your mind, is there? Cause you don't have a clue what you want. Fair warning, Belle. Until you figure that out, you're never going to be happy.
