Jack: You are stubborn and used to getting your way, but you have to learn to listen.
Xander: What, to you? How many times have you dumped your wife and kids?
Jack: And I've learned from all that that words are cheap and it's what you do that matters.
Xander: You make a living with words.
Jack: But in my life, I'm learning to walk the walk. If you run this ad, Sarah will not only be humiliated, but will see it as the empty gesture it is.
Xander: What should I do then?
Jack: I don't know. Do I look like Dear Abby?
Xander: Come on, we were friends back in Nashville.
Jack: Friends? When one person holds the key to a locked door and the other person is behind that locked door, that's not friendship.

Sonny: Looks like you were bounced from Titan just in time, Deimos.
Justin: At least he had it coming. Unlike those 50 Titan employees you just pink-slipped.

Lani may be my first born, but you will always be my baby.


You don't have facts. You have opinions.


Vivian: You must be the public defender. You have to get me out of here. I need to go home to my children.
Kate: Vivian. Knock it off. You know exactly who I am.
Vivian: How could I? I've never even seen you before.
Kate: Yeah right. [opens door for Jake] Well, maybe you know who this is.
[After Jake enters]
Kate: So. Aren't you going to say hello to your long-lost son?

I hate your compliments more than I hate your slurs.


Stefan: I don't know if I can wait until tomorrow morning to open this.
Abigail: Well, I think you can be forgiven for opening one special present on Christmas Eve.
Stefan: Just don't tell Santa.
[Stefan opens the box.]
Stefan: Oh. [opens and unrolls documents] What the hell is this?
Abigail: Divorce papers. Merry Christmas, you son of a bitch.

Eduardo: All right, what is going on here? Why do you feel a need to kick this girl when she's down?
Kate: She's down? She's always down and out, and it's always her fault. Eddie, she got pregnant by a dead man. She used another woman's eggs. She failed to share that information with anyone, including the biological mother. And SHE'S the damsel in distress?

Kayla: I don't know. Maybe he's one of those types of guys who can't take No for an answer.
Steve: Wait a minute. You don't think Tripp did this, do you?

You can look, but you can't touch. I'm just a drunken hallucination.


Leo: Your only witness is a little boy who has an overactive imagination and thinks I'm the Tooth Fairy.
Shawn: We have a corroborating witness.
Leo: What, did you question Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny?

Abigail: The light from ordinary would take about 8 million years to reach us.
Chad: Let's get some wine, chat, talk about how my dad came back from the dead a week after my wife.