Rafe: Don't you worry. Your mom is on the case, and when Hope Brady wants something, she doesn't stop until she gets it.
Ciara: Are you saying that as her boss or...?
Rafe: Listen to me. My relationship with your mom is strictly professional. We agreed that was what was best.
Ciara: So there was a discussion?
Rafe: Not exactly.
Ciara: You have a tell, you know. The tips of your ears get red. It's so cute. It's like you're blushing.
Rafe: I am not blushing. Look, Ciara, I appreciate you being curious about your mom and me, but right now I gotta say, this conversation is making me uncomfortable.

The person who has the biggest problem with people knowing you're gay is you.


(to Ben) I keep making the same mistake, don't I? Talking to you like you're actually a functioning adult.


Allie: Have you done this before
Chanel: Kissed a girl? I've been with guys, mostly, but some girls too.
Allie: So you're bi?
Chanel: I don't like labels. I prefer to say I just like people.

Marlena: Happy New Year, Ciara.
Ciara: Happy New Year. Sorry. It's just I haven't seen you since...
Marlena: Christmas Eve.
Ciara: Yeah.
Ben: How are you feeling, Dr. Evans?
Marlena: Tired but grateful for the love I have around me.
Ciara: I'm grateful we have you back.
Marlena: I appreciate that. I know there's a lot going on but I wanted to ask you for your forgiveness.
Ben: You don't have to.
Marlena: I know I wasn't in control of myself, but if there is anything I can do to make it up to you...
Ciara: There is one thing, actually. Tell me why the Devil was after my baby.

I can't speak for Abby or anyone else in this family, but I for one would be glad if you just forgot about us forever.


Leo: Are you wearing a wire?
Sonny: No, I'm not wearing a wire.
Leo: Let me see. Trust issues, remember? [Leo searches under Sonny's shirt.] We're good.
Sonny: Not quite. I don't want another doctored video.

Hope: Bo died. Did you know that? He had cancer. He died in my arms.
Aiden: Sorry.
Hope: He was held prisoner just like you were.
Aiden: Why are you telling me this?
Hope: Because a lot of things that I believed about my life turned out not to be true. Bo never stopped loving me and you only started to love me when you were paid a lot of money to do so. I don't know what to think about anything right now, and I don't want any pressure from you.

Funny that you didn't feel the need to talk to me before writing the article branding me a whore.


You can still throw a hell of a punch there, dude.


Claire: What's got her knickers in a knot? The way she's acting, you'd think you voted for me.
Ciara: He did vote for you!
Claire: Oh my God! No wonder she's breathing fire.

You have to admit that my family does bring along an elevated level of crazy and potentially lethal force to the party.