Kate: Do you not realize that Jake and Gabi are history?
Philip: And do you not realize that you're playing right into Gabi's hands?
Kate: Okay, I'll bite. How so?
Philip: If you'd stayed out of this, she'd be busy with relaunching Gabi Chic. But now you've ensured that she and Jake are going to continually lock horns.

I know I made a terrible mistake. And I need you, Ben.


Theresa: You're being incredibly selfish, Eve, and it needs to stop. Right now.
Eve: I'm being selfish, Theresa? Really? How did you come up with that one?

I'm sorry, kiddo. I really messed up, didn't I?


Gabi: Rafe left town? I can't believe he didn't tell me!
Eli: Maybe he didn't want to talk to you after what you did to Chad and Abigail, not to mention what you did to my grandma.
Gabi: I had nothing to do with pushing that old bat down the stairs!
Eli: You're not really helping your case with that argument.

Eli: Who are you going to get to be your Lamaze coach at this late date?
Lani: I don't know. Not my dad, cause he's on your side. And not my best friend, cause she's in prison because of you.
Lani: I'm eight months pregnant and you're yelling at me?

Kate: So you're telling me my granddaughter tried to murder Tripp?
Rafe: She wasn't trying to kill him. She wanted to make sure he couldn't do it again.
Kate: She really is a chip off the old block. I'm sure you've heard what happened when Sami was in high school. I knew Allie was devastated that the London authorities decided not to pursuse the case. But I didn't expect her to do anything this drastic.
Rafe: Yeah, well, I spoke to Allie and she seemed remorseful.
Kate: Remorseful? No. That bastard should have got what he deserved.

Focus on what you have right now. You have your beautiful son, you have your life back, and if you want, you have me.


Because this is a police state and I'm a Dimera.


Eric: Well?
Nicole: Nothing yet. Kayla's meeting us in a few minutes to give us the test results.
EJ: Well, I'm not in suspense. The odds are in my favor. After all, you only slept with Nicole one time. Now that she and I are living together, we have been enjoying each other on a regular basis.
Nicole: Stop it! Don't make this into a sick, twisted competition. This is a child, a life.

Ben: I just want to make amends.
Chad: Amends? To whom? To Paige? She's dead. Serena? Dead. Wendy? She's gone too.

Talia: Nobody was supposed to get hurt! These were supposed to be harmless pranks!
Chanel: Harmless pranks? Come on, Talia. You're a doctor. You have to have known that those drugs weren't harmless, what they would do to people!