Kate: I know you're angry with me.
Chad: Then this conversation is over. Nothing's changed.

You make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.


Li: Is it really customary in a marriage to shake hands? How about a kiss?
Gabi: Ew. As if this sham of a marriage wasn't icky enough.

Like sands through the hourglass... so are the Days of Our Lives.

Dr. Thomas "Tom" Horton Sr.

Try to lose that self-righteous tone, will you, Rafe? We both know full well who killed my father.


Allie: This can't be it. You know how much you mean to me. You know how much us being together means to me. Being with you, it is like nothing I have ever felt before. And it's nothing I ever thought I could feel for a woman, let alone my best friend, okay? And when you kissed me for the first time, it opened up a part of me I didn't even know I had. And I know it took me a long time to come to terms with it, but once I came out to my friends and family and to myself and I was able to finally be with you, I realized how special it was and how lucky I was, and... we have been through so much together. We have shared so much. You have opened up an entire new part of me. And I love you so much. We love each other so much. So it can't be over between us.
Chanel: I'm sorry, but it is. And yes, everything you said is true. We did share everything and we did love each other. But now we're just hurting each other. And the last thing I ever want to do is hurt you. So I think it's best if we end things now before we hurt each other anymore.

Stefan: Okay, Gabi, the reason I stopped my sister from killing you is that I’m a decent human being.
Gabi: You are?
Stefan: Yes, contrary to popular opinion, I would have done the same for anybody, even a dog in the street.
Gabi: Okay, so you’re comparing me to a dog.
Stefan: If you were a dog I would have moved faster.

Hope: This is my way of dealing with it Rafe. If you try to stop me…
Rafe: I don't think the Packers' defensive line could stop you.

Leo: That's your marriage proposal? I have a rule that any man who doesn't get down on bended knee, he is not a man worth marrying.
Dimitri: You know what, Stark? You are absolutely right. Forgive me, Gwen. Let me do this the proper way.
[Dimitri gets down one on knee and opens a ring box.]
Gwen: Oh wow. That is a large diamond. That is a very large diamond.
Dimitri: Allow me a second chance. Gwen Rizchek, will you do me the great honor of becoming my wife?
Leo: The answer is a hard no!
Gwen: For God's sake, Matty!
Leo: Okay, that thing is huge. The ring, I mean. But I'm sorry, friendo, you've wasted the money you've worked so hard to inherit, because there is no way Gwen is accepting your proposal.
Gwen: Damn it, Matty!
Leo: How do you say hell no in Alamanian?
Dimitri: You do realize I'm proposing to Gwen and not you?

Sometimes you choose the challenge. Sometimes the challenge chooses you.


Gabi: I will find a way to get into Kayla's computer and get those DNA test results.
Kate: You'd better, because it's beyond time for the truth to come out.
[Will comes up to them]
Will: I couldn't agree more.

Steve: Calista Flockhart?
Kayla: Calista LOCKHART, Bonnie's sister-in-law.
Steve: Who's she married to? Harrison Ford?
Kayla: Actually, her late husband's name is Harrison Lord.
Steve: Who's their kid? Ally McSweel?