Leo: Male, female, Cis, trans, nonbinary, third gender? Any combo thereof?
Chanel: Wouldn't you like to know?

Megan: I-is Bo dead?
Kristen: He's in a coma. That's good news, right?
Megan: How is that good news?
Kristen: I've been in comas a few times before. I've always woken up refreshed and ready to take on the world.

Kate: I thought Bo was going to kill me too.
Roman: How did you get him not to shoot you?
Kate: I think when I told him that the real Bo Brady would never be Megan Hathaway's lap dog, he snapped out of it.
Roman [laughing]: He must have hated that!

Paulina: Take it from someone who is a lot older and more experienced than you. People and relationships change.
Colin: All of a sudden my mother was suicidal and my father was a predator.
Paulina: He WAS a predator. He went after my daughter.
Colin: No! She seduced him and when he wouldn't take no for an answer, she wouldn't leave him alone!

When I came back alive, I asked the two of you to put aside your differences. I thought you might be grateful, enjoy that all of us are together. But did you do that? No. If there is one thing I have learned from all of this, it is that life is too short and too precious for me to waste time refereeing fights between adults who are acting like children.


Talia: Nobody was supposed to get hurt! These were supposed to be harmless pranks!
Chanel: Harmless pranks? Come on, Talia. You're a doctor. You have to have known that those drugs weren't harmless, what they would do to people!

Megan: You know, Father was a wonderful puppet master. The whole town, the whole WORLD was scared of the name of Stefano Dimera. And I will follow in his footsteps.
Kristen: Ah, so you want to be your father's daughter.
Megan: I AM my father's daughter. And as the Phoenix did so many times, I will be rising from the ashes.

Younger Abe [on TV screen]: I am committed to making things better for our children and our children's children. I humbly accept this position as mayor.
Abe: That's me. I'm the mayor.

Megan: I had to get a full background on my future daughter-in-law, didn't I, especially if I was going to expediate the process?
Dimitri: Oh, Mother. When did you become such an incurable romantic?

Leo: Plan B is we marry each other.
Gwen: I hope you know I will be expecting an enormous six-karat diamond ring to signify our engagement.
Leo: Oh, you think I'm kidding?
Gwen: Of course I do.
Leo: I'm not. I think you and I should seriously consider tying the knot. Then we can have a huge wedding. Invite everyone we know. Invite everyone we don't know.
Gwen: Why on Earth would we do that?
Leo: The bridal registry, Gwennie. With our taste, we'd make a killing.
Gwen: Yeah, except nobody likes us enough to spend a single penny on gifts.
Leo: Eh, killjoy.

So let me get this straight. You have the killer instinct, but you want me to do the killing?


Wendy: So no, I haven't heard from Johnny. But before you say anything, there could be a million reasons why he didn't call.
Tripp: So he spent the entire night with his ex-wife and there are a million reasons he couldn't text you?
Wendy: Look, I'm not happy about this and he'd better have a good explanation. But I jumped to conclusions about the whole crazy biscuit episode and I was wrong. So this time, I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt.
Tripp: Okay, fine, yeah. I understand. I'm just saying, it's really not a good look for him to keep ghosting you.
Wendy: You know what? Trashing Johnny just to score points isn't such a good look for you either.