Do you think this just goes away? You trashed a judge's car.


What's this? There something you should tell me about?


Nicole: Deimos, how did you get that scar?
Deimos: All that wind... some of the trees have lost their branches.

I dunno, Claire... to put yourself out there when you're so raw.... you might not get a second chance. You need to be ready.


My son, sometimes to protect what's yours, you need to make a sacrifice.


Rafe: Maybe this is all is a mistake!
Adriana: What is?
Rafe: Letting Eduardo back in our lives, that's what!
Adriana: So we abandon him?
Rafe: He abandoned us!
Adriana: That is not what you do with family. Maybe now, this moment, is where your father needs us the most.

I had no idea you were gonna be out, so I don't want you to think I was stalking you or anything.


Chad: You do not sacrifice your wife! *I* do not sacrifice my wife!
Stefano: You may have no choice!

Deimos: What do you really want, Nicole?
Nicole: For starters, I want a man with a brain.

Shawn: I just don't understand why you couldn't wait for me to talk to her like we agreed to.
Belle: So this is my fault?

Theresa: Well, next time you don't know where to turn, just remember: NOT HERE!

Aiden: For me some things are still...
Hope: Still what?
Aiden: The same.
Hope: Nothing is the same. You never should have come back here.