Jack: Your story neglected to mention that both Kristen Dimera and her brother Tony are behind bars! What do I have to do to get proper coverage in that rag you call a newspaper?
[Kayla passes by.]
Kayla: You could start by not being a jerk.

[Kate walks in on Stefan and Gabi kissing.]
Kate: Oh my God! Do you two ever do anything else? No wonder you flamed out as CEO in record time. It's clear where your priorities lie: flat on your back.

Julie: You said you forgave me but you don't want to have your party here because you think I'm a racist!
Lani: No. It doesn't have anything to do with that. I'm just superstitious. Celebrations, they always go bad, especially here.
Eli: Yeah, what about John and Marlena's anniversary party?
Julie: There's only one masked lunatic in Salem, and she's behind bars.

Jennifer: Like most kids, you have an idealized idea about your father.
JJ: He WAS a good man, right?
Jennifer: He was a great man! But this other side of him, this part of him that is selfish and ambitious...that's always been there too.
JJ: So he's always been this vindictive?
Jennifer: Sometimes. But he always tried to be better.

Well, mi amora, I'm back and there's nothing you can do about it. But you're in luck, really, because I intend to put the House of Dimera back in order again.


Kristen: You know I’d kill for an aspirin right now.
Eli: You’re done killing.

Kristen: Who hit me?
Lani: Karma.

  • Permalink: Karma.
  • Added:

Susan: Andre Dimera? I thought you were dead.
Tony: No, it’s Tony, dear.
Susan: Wait, Tony, I thought you were dead too.
Tony: Rather hard to keep track.

Stefan: Okay, Gabi, the reason I stopped my sister from killing you is that I’m a decent human being.
Gabi: You are?
Stefan: Yes, contrary to popular opinion, I would have done the same for anybody, even a dog in the street.
Gabi: Okay, so you’re comparing me to a dog.
Stefan: If you were a dog I would have moved faster.

Sarah: We got into a fight.
Chloe: Seriously? Didn’t you leave your husband for him like two seconds ago?

Will: I know it sounds crazy the idea that Kristen can still be alive.
Brady: Well, it’s hard to stand here in front of you and make a case that coming back from the dead isn’t possible.
Will: That’s a good point.

[to Kristen] I am not going to be intimidated by some loony toon who can’t even show her face in public.
