You should have figured it out by now. After all, I am supposed to be the dumb one. [removes helmet, revealing Mick]


Kendra: I certainly don't have to go back to the apartment to get any of our old junk.
Ray: Old junk? We lived there this morning.

We're just gonna pretend like none of this happened? That Mick Rory wasn't part of our team? If you can just ice your best friend like that, I'd hate to think what you could do to us.


Stein: Excellent, nurse. I could also go for a cup of coffee.
Sara: Me, too. Black, two sugars.

To quote every Star Wars ever made, I got a bad feelin' about this.


Stein: I get the strangest sensation, like I'm a 10-year-old kid again.
Mick: Did a lot of space travel as a kid, professor?

I'm sore because I was recruited for my unique ability to set things on fire, and now I'm locked in the one place where I can't set things on fire! A spaceship!


What's the point of stopping Savage if we become as immoral as he is in the process?


Snart: I seem to remember something about your father being a police captain?
Sara: Your point?
Snart: He did a hell of a job.

...So, either I'm coming with, or we can find out if the Time Masters teach people to fight as well as the League of Assassins.


You know what I think? I think you think too much.


Stein: Having merged with an insane Russian scientist, I now know how lucky I am to have you as my partner.
Jax [raises a shot glass in a toast]: Partners.

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